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Singapore Chinese Textbooks And Workbooks For Nursery To 10th Grade / GCE O Level

Get the latest editions of the best Singapore Chinese textbooks and workbooks that Singaporeans use today direct from Singapore

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Kindergarten / Preschool First Year

Kindergarten / Preschool Second Year

First Grade / Grade 1 / Primary 1

Second Grade / Grade 2 / Primary 2

Third Grade / Grade 3 / Primary 3

Fourth Grade / Grade 4 / Primary 4

Fifth Grade / Grade 5 / Primary 5

Sixth Grade / Grade 6 / Primary 6

7th Grade / Secondary 1

8th Grade / Secondary 2

9th Grade / Secondary 3

10th Grade / Secondary 4


1Chinese Enrichment For Kindergarten / Preschool Second Year Package

These kindergarten Singapore Chinese workbooks contain plenty of interesting activities that your child can do on his own or with his friends.

"Very good condition! P. H."

2Higher Chinese Language For Third Grade / Grade 3 / Primary 3 Core Package

The activities in these Singapore Chinese workbooks are in sync with the content taught in these Singapore Chinese textbooks, which will help your child in the learning of the Chinese language.

"SGBox has always have a wide range of curriculum books that are of contents with high standards. You won't go wrong with the books on offered. Of course, you need to put your time and understanding in to help your child using these resources. N. Du"

3Higher Chinese Language For Second Grade / Grade 2 / Primary 2 Core Package

The chapters in these Singapore Chinese text books and work books are based on themes to help your child use the Chinese language in everyday life experiences.

"High efficiency, product packing is good I. W."

4Higher Chinese Language For First Grade / Grade 1 / Primary 1 Core Package

These Singapore Chinese textbooks and workbooks use simplified Chinese characters, and each Chinese character in these Singapore Chinese textbooks is accompanied by its respective Hanyu Pinyin to help your child pronounce it correctly.

"Books arrived fast and in a very good condition. Very satisfied with my purchase! I’m very impressed! P. Y."

5Chinese Language For Third Grade / Grade 3 / Primary 3 Core Package

These Singapore Chinese text books and work books use simplified Chinese characters, and each Chinese character in the Singapore Chinese text books is accompanied by its respective Hanyu Pinyin to help your child pronounce it correctly.

"The most suitable material for our children who are native English speakers learning Chinese as a second language in Mainland China. Denise A Wang"

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1Chinese Language For First Grade / Grade 1 / Primary 1 Core Package

The lively and colourful pictures in these Singapore Chinese text books and work books help to instill fun and excitement into the learning of the Chinese language.

"Dear SGBox Support, Thank you for your efficient handling of the order. I received the package today, and I am very happy with the books. Sincerely, S.M."

2Chinese Language For Second Grade / Grade 2 / Primary 2 Core Package

The activities in these Singapore Chinese workbooks are in sync with the content taught in these Singapore Chinese textbooks, which will help your child in the learning of the Chinese language.

3Chinese Language / Higher Chinese Language For Second Grade / Grade 2 / Primary 2 Character Cards Package

These Singapore Chinese character cards will help your child (and even you) to identify, recognise and memorise the Chinese characters introduced in the accompanying textbooks.

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1Chinese Language For Sixth Grade / Grade 6 / Primary 6 Core Package

The lively and colourful pictures in these Singapore Chinese textbooks and workbooks help to instill fun and excitement into the learning of the Chinese language.

"The conditions are very good. And I will order English workbooks soon. M. O."

2PSLE Higher Chinese Language For Sixth Grade / Grade 6 / Primary 6

This Singapore Higher Chinese Language book also offers a great opportunity for non-Singapore 6th graders to compare their academic ability in the Higher Chinese Language against the standards of their Singapore counterparts.

3PSLE Chinese Language For Sixth Grade / Grade 6 / Primary 6

This Singapore Chinese book offers an excellent opportunity for Primary 6 pupils in Singapore to gauge their proficiency in the Chinese language, and their level of readiness for the PSLE Chinese Language exam.

4Higher Chinese Language For Fifth Grade / Grade 5 / Primary 5 Core Package

The lively and colourful pictures in these Singapore Chinese textbooks and workbooks help to instill fun and excitement into the learning of the Chinese language.

5Chinese Language For Fifth Grade / Grade 5 / Primary 5 Core Package

The lively and colourful pictures in these Singapore Chinese textbooks help to instill fun and excitement into the learning of the Chinese language.

"To whom it may concern: I have received my order on time. Thank you! Sharon Hu"

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