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Our Customers' Ratings

We asked our customers to rate their shopping experience with us, our products and our service, and we are grateful for their kind responses. Below is how they rated:

How our customers rated their shopping experience with us

  1. Will you buy from again?

    96.8%   Yes
    3.2% No
  2. Will you recommend to others?

    96.9% Yes
    3.1% No

How our customers rated our products

Below is the average customer rating across all our products. Please refer to the individual product details pages for their respective customer ratings.

  1. Do you like our products?

    52.0% I love it
    39.2% I like it
    8.0% It's ok
    0.7% I don't like it
    0.1% I hate it

  2. Will you recommend our products to others?

    95.6% Yes
    4.4% No

How our customers rated our service

  1. How fast did you receive your order?

    33.7% Very quickly
    35.1% Quickly
    24.8% On time
    4.4% Late
    2.0% Very late

  2. In what condition did you receive your order?

    81.8% Very good
    14.4% Good
    2.8% Satisfactory
    0.7% Poor
    0.3% Very poor

  3. How would you describe the packing materials used to protect your order?

    75.6% Very good
    19.3% Good
    4.2% Satisfactory
    0.7% Poor
    0.2% Very poor

  4. How would you describe our customer service?

    68.2% Very good
    24.3% Good
    6.1% Satisfactory
    0.8% Poor
    0.6% Very poor

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