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The New And Improved Singapore Primary Math For The New Generation

Singapore, the world's math leader, had completely switched from the old Singapore Primary Math curricula and textbooks to the new Singapore Primary Math curricula and textbooks since 2001

NOTE: This article is about the use of Singapore Primary Math curricula and textbooks in Singapore and below is an objective factual comparison of the differences between the old Singapore Primary Math curricula and textbooks that were used in Singapore before 2001, and the new Singapore Primary Math curricula and textbooks that were used in Singapore after 2001. To verify these facts, simply walk into any Singapore primary school and see for yourselves what Singapore Primary Math curricula and textbooks they are using.

So what is the difference between the old Singapore Primary Math curricula and textbooks and the new Singapore Primary Math curricula and textbooks? In a nutshell:

Old Singapore Primary Math curricula and textbooks

New Singapore Primary Math curricula and textbooks

1 Singapore's education department does not approve their use for any Singapore school since 2001 Singapore's education department approves their use for all Singapore schools since 2001
2 Not used in any Singapore school since 2001 Used in all Singapore schools since 2001
3 First written around 1980 First written around 2000
4 Last revised around 1999 Last revised around 2013
5 Written by Singapore's education department as a one-size-fits-all Written by Singapore's publishers to cater to students of different calibre
6 Based on the old and outdated 1999 Singapore Primary Math syllabus to meet the challenges of the 20th century Based on the new and improved Singapore Primary Math syllabus to meet the challenges of the 21st century
7 Does not reflect the recent developments in Singapore's mathematics education Reflects the recent developments in Singapore's mathematics education
8 Focuses on knowledge acquisition and problem-solving Focuses on knowledge acquisition and problem-solving, as well as thinking skills, creative thinking, independent learning, knowledge application and content creation
9 Uses outdated teaching methodologies, learning approaches and assessment modes that are suitable for the old generation Use new well-researched and proven teaching methodologies, learning approaches and assessment modes that are suitable for the new generation
10 Does not include the use of Information Technology (IT) such as computers, the Internet and other IT skills that are essential in the new millennium Includes all of them
11 Includes various concepts and skills that may not be appropriate for the intended levels, thereby risking confusion and inhibiting learning and teaching Shuffles various concepts and skills across different levels to make them for more appropriate for the intended levels, thereby reducing confusion and enhancing learning and teaching
12 Repeats various concepts and skills across different levels, as the old generation found them difficult to master Removes redundant concepts and skills across different levels, as the new generation found them easy to master
13 Does not contain new math topics and concepts for certain levels, e.g. tessellations and problem-solving models Introduces new math topics and concepts for certain levels, so as to improve the children's abstract thinking in math
14 Uses plain (and sometimes dull and boring) presentation of concepts which may not appeal to every child Uses more lively, interesting and exciting illustrations and presentation styles to capture the attention and imagination of every child
15 Does not include daily life experiences and examples from the modern era to aid teaching and learning Includes daily life experiences and examples from the modern era to aid teaching and learning
16 Uses a spiral approach from Grade 1 to 6 / Primary 1 to 6, but does not lead on to Grade 7 / Secondary 1 naturally, thereby presenting a big gap in learning when your child reaches Grade 7 / Secondary 1 Uses a spiral approach from Grade 1 to 6 / Primary 1 to 6, and leads on smoothly to Grade 7 / Secondary 1
17 Time-tested for the old generation Time-tested for the new generation
18 Was good for the old generation, but its time had passed Keeps what's good about the Old Singapore Primary Math and improves it much more to meet the needs of the new generation

Singapore, the world's math leader, had completely switched from the old Singapore Primary Math curricula and textbooks to the new Singapore Primary Math curricula and textbooks since 2001. All the primary schools in Singapore have been using the new Singapore Primary Math textbook packages for 1st Grade to 6th Grade / Primary 1 to Primary 6 since 2001.

Many countries had also switched to the new Singapore Primary Math as they discovered and realized the advantages and benefits of the new Singapore Primary Math. is pleased to offer the new Singapore Primary Math textbook packages that are based on the new Singapore Primary Math curriculum, and which we support and recommend because of their excellent material and the excellent customer feedback that we have received about them.

All the primary schools in Singapore, the world's math leader, are using the new Singapore Primary Math textbook packages.

Why did Singapore, the world's math leader, switch from the old Singapore Primary Math to the new Singapore Primary Math?

Let's hear it straight from the horse's mouth, Singapore's education ministry:

"The Ministry of Education’s vision of “Thinking Schools, Learning Nation” gives impetus for the infusion of three initiatives; Thinking Skills, Information Technology (IT) and National Education into the curriculum. As we move towards a knowledge-based society which is powered by IT, the need to prepare our people for the challenges and opportunities of the future becomes obvious. Besides being proficient in the use of IT, pupils will need to be able to think creatively, learn independently and work successfully in teams."

"Against this background and with the Desired Outcomes of Education as the overarching aim, the [old Singapore Primary Math] syllabus was revised.

This [new Singapore Primary Math] syllabus reflects the recent developments in mathematics education. The focus of the syllabus is mathematical problem solving. The emphasis is the development of concepts, skills and its underlying processes. This, together with the explication of thinking skills and the integration of IT in mathematics teaching and learning, will give leverage to the development of mathematical problem solving."

"The framework of the [new Singapore Primary Math] programme summarises the essence of mathematics teaching and learning in schools. The learning of mathematics at all levels involves more than the basic acquisition of concepts and skills. It also involves an understanding of mathematical thinking, general problem solving strategies, having positive attitudes to and an appreciation of mathematics as an important and powerful tool in everyday life.

This framework forms the basis for mathematics teaching and learning in schools."

"Care has been taken to ensure that there is continuity from the primary to the secondary level. In the [new Singapore Primary Math] syllabus, the spiral approach is adopted to ensure that each topic is covered at appropriate levels in increasing depth. This enables pupils to consolidate the concepts and skills learnt and to develop further concepts and skills."

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