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SGBox Singapore Math Curriculum For Fourth Grade / Grade 4 / Primary 4

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SGBox Singapore Math Curriculum For Fourth Grade / Grade 4 / Primary 4


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Product details

Product benefits

  • Aims of SGBox® Maths Curriculum
    SGBox® Maths Curriculum
    is a rigorous maths curriculum that is designed to enable your child to:
    1. acquire and apply skills and knowledge relating to number, measure and space in mathematical situations that he will encounter in everyday life experiences
    2. acquire mathematical concepts and skills that are essential for a further study in maths and other disciplines
    3. develop the ability to make logical deduction and induction, as well as to explicate his mathematical thinking and reasoning skills through the solving of mathematical problems
    4. use mathematical language to communicate mathematical ideas and arguments precisely, concisely and logically
    5. develop a positive attitude towards maths, including confidence, enjoyment and perseverance
    6. appreciate the power and structure of maths, including patterns and relationships, and to enhance his intellectual curiosity

  • Objectives of SGBox® Maths Curriculum
    The objectives of SGBox® Maths Curriculum are to enable your child to:
    1. develop understanding of mathematical concepts:
      1. Numerical
      2. Geometrical
      3. Statistical
      4. Algebraic
    2. perform operations with:
      1. Whole numbers
      2. Fractions
      3. Decimals
    3. recognise spatial relationships in two and three dimensions
    4. recognise patterns and relationships in maths
    5. use mathematical language, symbols and diagrams to represent and communicate mathematical ideas
    6. present and interpret information in written, graphical, diagrammatic and tabular forms
    7. use common systems of units
    8. use geometrical instruments
    9. perform simple algebraic manipulation
    10. develop ability to perform mental calculation
    11. develop ability to perform estimation
    12. develop ability to check reasonableness of results
    13. use mathematical concepts learnt to solve problems
    14. use appropriate heuristics to solve problems
    15. apply maths to everyday life problems
    16. think logically and derive conclusions deductively
    17. develop an inquiring mind through investigative activities
    18. enjoy learning maths through a variety of activities

  • Framework of SGBox® Maths Curriculum
    SGBox® Maths Curriculum emphasizes five inter-related components:
    1. Concepts
      Concepts refer to the basic mathematical knowledge needed for solving mathematical problems. They cover the following:
      1. Numerical concepts
      2. Geometrical concepts
      3. Algebraic concepts
      4. Statistical concepts
    2. Skills
      Skills refer to the topic-related manipulative skills that your child is expected to perform when solving problems. They include:
      1. Estimation and approximation
      2. Mental calculation
      3. Communication
      4. Use of mathematical tools
      5. Arithmetic manipulation
      6. Algebraic manipulation
      7. Handling data
    3. Processes
      Processes refer to the thinking and heuristics involved in mathematical problem solving. Some of the thinking skills and heuristics which are applicable to problem solving include:
      • Thinking skills
        1. Classifying
        2. Comparing
        3. Sequencing
        4. Analysing parts and whole
        5. Identifying patterns and relationships
        6. Induction
        7. Deduction
        8. Spatial visualisation
      • Heuristics for problem solving
        1. Act it out
        2. Use a diagram / model
        3. Make a systematic list
        4. Look for pattern(s)
        5. Work backwards
        6. Use before-after concept
        7. Use guess and check
        8. Make suppositions
        9. Restate the problem in another way
        10. Simplify the problem
        11. Solve part of the problem
    4. Attitudes
      Attitudes refer to the affective aspects of maths learning such as:
      1. Enjoy doing maths
      2. Appreciate the beauty and power of maths
      3. Show confidence in using maths
      4. Persevere in solving a problem
    5. Metacognition
      Metacognition refers to the ability to monitor one's own thinking processes in problem solving. This includes:
      1. Constant and conscious monitoring of the strategies and thinking processes used in carrying out a task
      2. Seeking alternative ways of performing a task
      3. Checking the appropriateness and reasonableness of answers

Customer ratings

Below is how our customers rated this product after they had received their orders.

  1. Do you like this product?

    61.5%   I love it
    23.1%   I like it
    7.7%   It's ok
    7.7%   I don't like it
    0.0%   I hate it

Customer testimonials

Below is what our customers said about this product after they had received their orders.

  • Dear SGBox The books arrived last Friday. The parcel arrived in perfect condition and we are very satisfied with the contents. My daughter has started work in the maths books and finds that they are very well laid out with clear examples and instruction. We have had a quick look through the science books and they promise to be as good as the maths! So far we find that these are excellent products and look forward to ordering from you in the future. Best wishes Sandie McDonnell

  • Initially I thought of buying just the text and work books as used by the Singapore students, but the recommended workbooks in the respective Singapore Mathematics and Science grade packages are very well selected. They include solutions that are helpful for me to grade my children's work. The Mathematics teacher's Guide is colourful, but sadly the Science Teacher's Guide comes in Black & white. C. H.

  • Thanks, We received our product a week ago and the kids are enjoying the material. Thanks for your efficient supply and your persistence in getting through to us, even with telephone problems. Kind regards, Andrew & Peta

  • We received our order of books today. They arrived in perfect shape and both our children have begun devouring them. The books look to have excellent content on our initial review. We are all excited to have these resources to work through this summer! S D

  • This is an email to let you know that we have recieved Our order. Thank you for the speedy delivery, the packages arrived two days before scheduled. After reviewing the order, we are very impressed with the quality of both the books and the service. again thank you SGBox And Thanks Mom and Dad! Joe B.

  • Receiving my orders from SGBox was like Christmas in May. I was very happy with the condition of the books which arrived and will be spending the next week studying the materials. L.P. Mercado

  • Dear Sirs, Thank you for the very prompt delivery of maths curriculum books which arrived recently, and with which we are very pleased. Many thanks, (Mrs) J. S.

  • Great books for anyone seeking to ensure a solid understanding of the subject for his/her kids ODIAKA

  • The material is paced just right and is on or above grade level. The children like it very muchy. Carlos Ramirez Jr

  • The shipment arrived on time and customer service and follow up was excellent. R.Camus

  • Great service & great products. I certainly recommend other Australian parents to buy SGBox for their children. S. V.

  • Dear people of SGBox, I am pleased to inform you that this week I received in excellent order the delivery of Singapore Maths books. Thank you very much for the prompt handling of my order. Kind regards, S D R

  • SG Box is one of the best discoveries we ever had on the internet. My son is doing very well in Math in class, Thanks to SG Box. Highly recommended... Mallikarjun A. V.

  • The materials are of excellent quality and pleasing for children to use. K. Johnson

  • The conditions are very good. And I will order English workbooks soon. M. O.

  • Dear Sales Rep. Thank you for your interest today lately your post had reached us. I am satisfied with your service and security in safe internet shopping. Hope to be your future customer again. Best Regards, Serhat Akpul

  • Good service. Subra

  • Good material. I already recommended it to a handful of parents (different ages) M. K.

  • By now I have recieved my order of math books in very well condition thank you for your kind attention. Azhari

  • Very good WU HAOSHENG

  • Your service is excellent. Thanks C. Fang

  • Items purchased arrived in Melbourne in prime condition. M. B. E. T.

  • I have very good experience on this time. M. W.

Buy separately





P4CM Challenging Mathematics For Fourth Grade / Grade 4 / Primary 4 USD16.99
P4IQM IQ Maths For Fourth Grade / Grade 4 / Primary 4 USD16.99
P4CMPS Maths Problem Sums For Fourth Grade / Grade 4 / Primary 4 USD16.99
P4NSPM New Syllabus Primary Mathematics For Fourth Grade / Grade 4 / Primary 4 (2nd Edition) Package USD49.99
P4PMEP Primary Math Exam Papers For Fourth Grade / Grade 4 / Primary 4 USD16.99
P4PSWH Problem-Solving With Heuristics For Fourth Grade / Grade 4 / Primary 4 USD16.99
P4SBSM Step-By-Step Math For Fourth Grade / Grade 4 / Primary 4 USD24.99

Best when used together with





DIP5NSPM Discounted New Syllabus Primary Mathematics For Fifth Grade / Grade 5 / Primary 5 Package (1st edition,1st page before preface missing) USD44.99
P4NSPMWBP2 New Syllabus Primary Mathematics For Fourth Grade / Grade 4 / Primary 4 Workbook 4B Part 2 USD8.00

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P4MPM My Pals Are Here Maths For Fourth Grade / Grade 4 / Primary 4 Package (Third Edition) USD49.99
STHFMIPS Singapore Teachers' Handbook For Mathematics In Primary Schools USD35.99

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P2SGBOXM SGBox Singapore Math Curriculum For Second Grade / Grade 2 / Primary 2 USD249.88
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