This highly recommended Singapore math book is part of a 2-books-per-level series that is specifically designed to teach your child how to solve mathematics word problems using the Singapore bar model method step by step and in a fun and interesting way, so as to help them develop and enhance their math problem solving skills.
This Singapore maths book is divided into several topical chapters. Each chapter is divided into two sections and lessons - Part-Whole Model and Comparison Model. Each section will teach your child how to identify, recognise and solve a wide range of mathematics word problems based upon each math topic that can be solved using the respective part-whole model / comparison model and how to apply it accordingly. Together, these two sections will teach your child how to solve the various types of mathematics word problems that they may encounter in their school tests and exams using the Singapore bar model method.
This Singapore mathematics book is an excellent step-by-step guide to the Singapore bar model method for your child. It contains many easy-to-understand step-by-step examples, plenty of step-by-step guided exercises and step-by-step solutions and answers, which will help your child to master the Singapore bar model method in the shortest time possible with the least effort.