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Singapore Textbooks And Workbooks For 8th Grade / Secondary 2

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Singapore Science


1New Syllabus Mathematics For Eighth Grade / Grade 8 / Secondary 2 Package (8th Edition)

These Singapore Math textbook and workbook contain plenty of questions for each topic that reinforce the concepts, skills and processes taught.

"Your product is unsurpassed. I am a home school instructor and I wouldn't consider teaching from anything else. I've spent countless hours searching curiculim and nothing else has come close. Eric"

2All About Geography For Eighth Grade / Grade 8 / Secondary 2 Package

This set of Singapore Geography textbook and workbook is widely used in Singapore secondary schools for teaching geography, and is an excellent learning resource for your child.

3New Syllabus Mathematics For Eighth Grade / Grade 8 / Secondary 2 Workbook Solutions Manual (8th Edition)

"Very easy to order and product always come in perfect condition E. L."

4All About Science For Eighth Grade / Grade 8 / Secondary 2

These Singapore Science text book and work books contain many thought-provoking questions that help reinforce your child's understanding of the science concepts, skills and processes taught, as well as develop his thinking skills in science.

"Very well packed. J. J. L."

5Discounted New Syllabus Mathematics For Eighth Grade / Grade 8 / Secondary 2 Package (7th edition,1st page before preface missing)

These Singapore Math textbook and workbook contain plenty of questions for each topic that reinforce the concepts, skills and processes taught.

"It was an excellent experience A. K."

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1Maths Topical Test Papers For Eighth Grade / Grade 8 / Secondary 2

This Singapore Maths workbook also contains challenging and thought-provoking questions to promote and stimulate critical and creative thinking in your child.

"I use these books every single day! Also, I keep an eye on your new products. All of them are amazing! I. G."

2Math Learning Through Examples For Eighth Grade / Grade 8 / Secondary 2

Many of the math questions in this Singapore Math workbook are challenging and thought-provoking, which will help promote and stimulate critical and creative thinking in your child.

"The order was processed fast and with great service. Book came quickly an well packaged. Interesting books, some are outstanding. Thank you. Mr O. L."

3Summary Writing For Eighth Grade / Grade 8 / Secondary 2

This Singapore English workbook includes many exam-style summary writing exercises for your child to practise and prepare him for his school comprehension tests and exams.

"I can summarize that you offer good/ quality customer services. Products well detailed, practical payment procedures, good customer care and timely delivery of goods. K. G."

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1Effective Guide to Science For Eighth Grade / Grade 8 / Secondary 2
2Science Practice Papers For Eighth Grade / Grade 8 / Secondary 2

This Singapore Science workbook contains a wide range of questions (including multiple-choice questions, free response and short structured questions) for your child to practice and apply the scientific concepts and skills that he has learnt. In addition, detailed work solutions are provided to assess the level of understanding on the topics tested.

3Grammar For Eighth Grade / Grade 8 / Secondary 2

This will help your child understand and master the usage of specific English grammatical structures and rules, which is essential for good written English and spoken English.

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