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How do you calculate my shipping (aka delivery / mailing) cost?
Your shipping (aka delivery / mailing) cost is based on the weight of the products that you order and the shipping method that you choose; it is not calculated as a percentage of your total product cost. Remember that products such as books can weigh a lot. Your shipping cost becomes cheaper per unit of weight (or relative to your total cost) when you order more items. For example, the shipping cost for an order of 1 item may be US$10, whereas the shipping cost for an order of 10 items may be only US$30 instead of US$100. This is because the shipping agents charge more for the first 500 grams / 17.6 ounce per parcel than the subsequent blocks of 500 grams / 17.6 ounce. Therefore, you may want to plan ahead and purchase all the products that you need for the next 3, 6, 9 or 12 months in one order.
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