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Thinking Trainers Mathematics Challenging Word Problems For Kindergarten / Preschool Second Year (K2) (Singapore Math) (Joseph D. Lee)
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Thinking Trainers Mathematics Challenging Word Problems For Kindergarten / Preschool Second Year (K2) (Singapore Math) (Joseph D. Lee)

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K2TTMCWPINT Thinking Trainers Mathematics Challenging Word Problems For Kindergarten / Preschool Second Year (K2) (Singapore Math) (Joseph D. Lee) International Edition USD12.99
K2TTMCWPSG Thinking Trainers Mathematics Challenging Word Problems For Kindergarten / Preschool Second Year (K2) (Singapore Math) (Joseph D. Lee) Singapore Edition USD12.99
K2TTMCWPUS Thinking Trainers Mathematics Challenging Word Problems For Kindergarten / Preschool Second Year (K2) (Singapore Math) (Joseph D. Lee) US Edition USD12.99

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Product details

  • Paperback: 84 pages
  • Language: Written in English for all editions
  • Suitable for: Kindergarten 2nd Year (home, school)
  • SGBox rating:
  • Notes: This book comes in multiple editions. Please choose only the edition that you prefer. All the editions are written in English and contain essentially the same questions based on Singapore Maths curriculum and education standards. However, they contain four major differences. First, the people names and place names in each edition have been carefully selected to reflect the unique culture of each country, so that your child will not be unnecessarily disadvantaged nor put off from having to grapple with unfamiliar names. Second, all the editions use British spelling, except the US Edition which uses American spelling, so that your child will not be confused with the spelling discrepancies. Third, all the editions use metric units, except the US Edition which uses both metric units and US customary units of measurements. Fourth, all the editions use currency units that are applicable in the respective countries / regions wherever applicable.

Product benefits

  • This Singapore Math book is based on the latest Singapore Math curriculum and it will train your child to think logically, abstractly, critically and creatively when solving challenging math word problems.

  • This Singapore Math book is arranged topic by topic, and each math topic is divided into several challenging math word problem exercises, where each exercise contains:
    1. A worked example consisting of a well-designed, interesting and easy-to-understand challenging math word problem that your child may encounter in their school math tests and exams with its step-by-step solution.
    2. A follow-up exercise with a series of well-structured challenging math word problems that can be solved using the same method that your child has learnt in the preceding worked example.
    3. Answers and step-by-step worked solutions for all the challenging math word problems in each math exercise at the end of the book.

  • This Singapore Maths book is highly recommended for your child if you want to help them:
    1. Think logically, abstractly, critically and creatively when solving challenging math word problems.
    2. Learn, develop and master challenging math thinking skills in problem solving.
    3. Boost their confidence in solving challenging math word problems.
    4. Excel in solving challenging math word problems in their school math tests and exams.

Recommended comprehensive packages




You Save1


K2SGBOXM SGBox Singapore Math Curriculum For Kindergarten / Preschool Second Year USD274.88 USD10.90 (4%)

1 This is the total amount that you save compared to ordering the equivalent number of items in each pack separately (a la carte).

Best when used together with





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