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SGBox Singapore Additional Math Curriculum For 9th Grade And 10th Grade / Secondary 3 And Secondary 4

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SGBox Singapore Additional Math Curriculum For 9th Grade And 10th Grade / Secondary 3 And Secondary 4


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Product details

Product benefits

  • Aims of SGBox® Math Curriculum
    SGBox® Math Curriculum
    is a rigorous math curriculum that is designed to enable your child to:
    1. Acquire the necessary mathematical concepts and skills for everyday life, and for continuous learning in mathematics and related disciplines.
    2. Develop the necessary process skills for the acquisition and application of mathematical concepts and skills.
    3. Develop the mathematical thinking and problem solving skills and apply these skills to formulate and solve problems.
    4. Recognise and use connections among mathematical ideas, and between mathematics and other disciplines.
    5. Develop positive attitudes towards mathematics.
    6. Make effective use of a variety of mathematical tools (including information and communication technology tools) in the learning and application of mathematics.
    7. Produce imaginative and creative work arising from mathematical ideas.
    8. Develop the abilities to reason logically, to communicate mathematically, and to learn cooperatively and independently.

  • Framework of SGBox® Math Curriculum
    SGBox® Math Curriculum emphasizes five inter-related components:
    1. Concepts
      Concepts refer to the basic mathematical knowledge needed for solving mathematical problems. They cover the following:
      1. Numerical concepts
      2. Geometrical concepts
      3. Algebraic concepts
      4. Statistical concepts
    2. Skills
      Skills refer to the topic-related manipulative skills that your child is expected to perform when solving problems. They include:
      1. Estimation and approximation
      2. Mental calculation
      3. Communication
      4. Use of mathematical tools
      5. Arithmetic manipulation
      6. Algebraic manipulation
      7. Handling data
    3. Processes
      Processes refer to the thinking and heuristics involved in mathematical problem solving. Some of the thinking skills and heuristics which are applicable to problem solving include:
      • Thinking skills
        1. Classifying
        2. Comparing
        3. Sequencing
        4. Analysing parts and whole
        5. Identifying patterns and relationships
        6. Induction
        7. Deduction
        8. Spatial visualisation
      • Heuristics for problem solving
        1. Act it out
        2. Use a diagram / model
        3. Make a systematic list
        4. Look for pattern(s)
        5. Work backwards
        6. Use before-after concept
        7. Use guess and check
        8. Make suppositions
        9. Restate the problem in another way
        10. Simplify the problem
        11. Solve part of the problem
    4. Attitudes
      Attitudes refer to the affective aspects of math learning such as:
      1. Enjoy doing math
      2. Appreciate the beauty and power of math
      3. Show confidence in using math
      4. Persevere in solving a problem
    5. Metacognition
      Metacognition refers to the ability to monitor one's own thinking processes in problem solving. This includes:
      1. Constant and conscious monitoring of the strategies and thinking processes used in carrying out a task
      2. Seeking alternative ways of performing a task
      3. Checking the appropriateness and reasonableness of answers

Customer ratings

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    66.7%   I love it
    22.2%   I like it
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    100.0%   Yes
    0.0%   No

Customer testimonials

Below is what our customers said about this product after they had received their orders.

  • SGBox has done a great job delivering the order. It was as if buying from a bookstore in the nearby street. Quality service and fantastic books. The description of books is very clear on their website and they have been grouped wisely. Thank you SGBox ! D. Chhetri

  • Very Professional, Fast, and prompt service. Thanks to the team. I will definitely order and refer my friends too. C B Mahadevan

  • I received my order in good condition and quicker than I expected. KRISHNAMOORTHY P.

  • The text books are all candidates need to enable them have a direct content of their syllabus VALENTINE

  • Thank you for excellent service and good books C. Fang


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GCEOLAMSMT GCE O Level Additional Mathematics Past Years' Questions And Solutions Manual (Topical) USD29.99
GCEOLAMSMY GCE O Level Additional Mathematics Past Years' Questions And Solutions Manual (Yearly) USD29.99
S34NSAMWSM New Syllabus Additional Mathematics For 9th Grade And 10th Grade / Secondary 3 And Secondary 4 Workbook Solutions Manual (9th Edition) USD59.99
S34NSAM New Syllabus Think Additional Mathematics For 9th Grade And 10th Grade / Secondary 3 And Secondary 4 Package (10th Edition) USD69.99

Best when used together with





OLAMLTE2 Additional Maths Learning Through Examples For 9th And 10th Grade / Secondary 3 And 4 / GCE O Level Book 2 USD19.99
DIS3MAB Discounted Math Achiever Book B For Ninth Grade / Grade 9 / Secondary 3 (1st page before preface missing) USD27.99
DIS4NSM Discounted New Syllabus Mathematics For Tenth Grade / Grade 10 / Secondary 4 Package (7th edition,1st page before preface missing) USD47.99
DIS4NSMWSM Discounted New Syllabus Mathematics For Tenth Grade / Grade 10 / Secondary 4 Workbook Solutions Manual (7th Edition, 1st page before preface missing) USD87.99
S3EMBT Elementary Mathematics (By Topic) For Ninth Grade / Grade 9 / Secondary 3 USD25.99
OLAMBP GCE O Level Additional Mathematics (By Paper) USD24.99
OLAMBT GCE O Level Additional Mathematics (By Topic) USD24.99
OLAMGAP GCE O Level Additional Mathematics Guide And Practice USD27.99
OLAMRG GCE O Level Additional Mathematics Revision Guide USD27.99
OLEMC GCE O Level Elementary Maths Companion Package USD58.99
OLMBP GCE O Level Mathematics (By Paper) USD24.99
OLMBT GCE O Level Mathematics (By Topic) USD24.99
OLMEP GCE O Level Mathematics Examination Papers USD19.99
GCEOLMSMT GCE O Level Mathematics Past Years' Questions And Solutions Manual (Topical) USD29.99
GCEOLMSMY GCE O Level Mathematics Past Years' Questions And Solutions Manual (Yearly) USD29.99
OLMP GCE O Level Maths Papers USD29.99
S3MAA Math Achiever Book A For Ninth Grade / Grade 9 / Secondary 3 USD29.99
S3MAB Math Achiever Book B For Ninth Grade / Grade 9 / Secondary 3 USD29.99
S4MA Math Achiever For Tenth Grade / Grade 10 / Secondary 4 USD29.99
S4MLTE Math Learning Through Examples For Tenth Grade / Grade 10 / Secondary 4 USD27.99

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