New Singapore Maths Curriculum (Scope And Sequence) For Primary 3 / 3rd GradeSince 2003, Singapore, the world's math leader, and most countries had completely switched from the old Singapore Math to the new and improved Singapore Math for 3rd Grade / Primary 3. Find out why Singapore schools have switched completely to the new and improved Singapore Math. All the primary schools in Singapore, the world's math leader, are using the New Singapore Math textbook packages for 3rd Grade / Primary 3. Primary Mathematics For 3rd Grade / Primary 3 Package is based on the Old Singapore Math curriculum and is no longer used in any Singapore school since 2003. Below is what your child will learn in the New Singapore Math curriculum for 3rd Grade / Primary 3. Whole numbers -
Number notation and place values - read and write numbers up to 10 000 in numerals and in words
- recognise the place values of numbers (thousands, hundreds, tens, ones)
- compare and order numbers up to 10 000
Addition and subtraction - add and subtract numbers up to 4 digits
- Include use of terms ‘sum’ and ‘difference’
- Include use of abacus
- carry out addition and subtraction mentally involving two 2-digit numbers
Multiplication tables up to 10 x 10 - count in steps of 2, 3, 4, 5, . . ., 10
- Include completing number sequences leading to multiplication tables
- build up the multiplication tables up to 10 × 10 and commit to memory
Multiplication and division by a 1-digit number - multiply and divide numbers up to a 3-digit number by a 1-digit number
- Include use of the terms ‘product’, ‘quotient’ and ‘remainder’
- Exclude2-step calculation such as: Find the product of 6 and the difference between 10 and 8
- carry out simple mental calculations
Odd and even numbers - identify odd and even numbers
Word problems - solve up to 2-step word problems involving the four operations on whole numbers
Money and measures -
Units of measure - visualise the relative magnitudes of standard units
- kilometre and metre
- metre and centimetre
- kilogram and gram
- litre and millilitre
- hour and minute
- minute and second
- year and month
- month and day
- year and day
- week and day
- Include use of the word ‘capacity’
- Include use of abbreviations: km, m, cm, kg, g, l, ml, h, min, s
- measure in compound units
- length : kilometre, metre, centimetre
- mass : kilogram, gram
- time : hour, minute, second, day, week, month, year
- area : square metre, square centimetre
- volume : litre, millilitre
- Include estimating and measuring with different units
- Include use of the terms ‘past’ and ‘to’ such as ‘10 minutes past 5’ and ‘15 minutes to 12’
- carry out the following conversions, and vice versa:
- kilometre to metre
- metre to centimetre
- kilogram to gram
- litre to millilitre
- hour to minute
- minute to second
- year to month
- week to day
- Include compound units
- Numbers involved should be within easy manipulation
Addition and subtraction of length, mass, volume and time - add and subtract in compound units
- length
- mass
- volume
- time
- Excludeseconds
- Numbers involved should be within easy manipulation
Addition and subtraction of money - add and subtract money in compound units using the decimal notation
Word problems - solve up to 2-step word problems involving money, length, mass, volume and time
- Include problems involving different units of measure
- Include problems involving concept of duration of time interval
Perimeter of a rectilinear figure - calculate the perimeter of a rectilinear
- in centimetres
- in metres
- Include estimating and measuring perimeter
Area and perimeter of a square and a rectangle - calculate the perimeter of square and rectangle
- compare the areas of shapes in nonstandard units
- estimate the area of a square and a rectangle in standard unit
- visualise the relative sizes of 1 square metre and 1 square centimetre
- Excludeconversion between cm2 and m2
- Include estimating area in square metres and square centimetres
- use formula to calculate the area of a square and a rectangle
- Include use of abbreviations: cm2, m2
Statistics -
Bar graphs - read scales on the axis
- Include both horizontal and vertical representations
- read and interpret bar graphs
- solve problems using information given in bar graphs
Fractions -
Equivalent fractions - recognise and name equivalent fractions
- Include the terms ‘numerator’ and ‘denominator’
- list the first 8 equivalent fractions of a given fraction with denominator not greater than 12
- write the equivalent fraction of a fraction given the denominator/ numerator
- express a fraction in its simplest form
Comparing and ordering - compare and order related and unlike fractions with denominators up to 12
- Include both increasing and decreasing order
- Number of fractions involved should not exceed 3
Geometry -
Concept of angles - associate an angle as a certain amount of turning
- identify right angles
- For identifying right angles in a figure, restrict to only right angles inside the figure
- tell whether a given angle is greater or smaller than a right angle
- Excludeuse of the terms ‘acute’, ‘obtuse’ and ‘reflex’ angles
- identify angles in 2-D shapes
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